Changes in The Ocean Workshop
The Changes in the Ocean workshop aims to give children an understanding of the Ocean’s contribution to our daily lives and how we can help reduce our human impact. We also look at marine renewable energies, understanding climate change variables, the carbon footprint concept and measuring the children’s own carbon footprint.
A variation of this workshop is also available for infants, with a book reading and discussion followed by a “Save our Ocean” treasure hunt in which the children have to save the different animals that are trapped. They will also be able to explore their creativity and attention by painting a fish with their hands.
Main Curriculum topics that are covered in those workshops
Working scientifically - Questioning, Observing, Predicting, Investigating and experimenting, Estimating and measuring, Analysing (Sorting and classifying)
Design and making - Exploring, Planning, Making, Evaluating
Strand units and example on how this will be covered
Living things - Human life (our day-to-day, our impact on the oceans), Plants and animals (marine species)
Energy and forces (renewable energies), Light (energy), Sound (communication and impact in the oceans), Heat (types of energies)
Materials - Properties and characteristics of materials (energy types and use), Materials and change (looking at shells dissolving)
Environmental awareness - Environmental awareness and care, Science and the environment, caring for the environment (we will look at how we can enhance and improve our environment)

Working scientifically - Questioning, Observing, Predicting, Investigating and experimenting, Analysing
Design and making - Exploring, Planning, Making, Evaluating
Strand units and example on how this will be covered
Living things - Myself, Plants and animals (book story and discussion)
Energy and forces - Sound (animal sounds) Forces (ocean currents)
Materials - Properties and characteristics of materials, Materials and change (different materials and texture we will find along the way during the treasure hunt)
Environmental awareness - Caring for my locality and care (protection of local marine environment)