Your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint gives you an idea of how your day-to-day activities impact the environment. After printing or copying the image from the foot at the end of this page, answer the following questions and color the section of the foot accordingly to match the color of the answer you picked. This should give you an overview of the main colors of your carbon footprint:

If the main color is red, it means you have a higher negative impact on the environment

If the main color is orange, it means you have a better impact on the environment than a main red colored foot

And if the main color is green, well done you have an overall less negative impact on the environment

Either way, there is usually always something we might be able to work on (an orange or red color), would you be able to pick something you could work for the future?

How often do you eat meat (chicken, red meat, ham, fish) ?

Everyday at least once

Once or twice a week

I don’t eat meat


How do you get to school everyday ?

By foot or cycling

By bus

My parents drive me


How often do you eat fast food (McDonalds/Supermacs) ?

Once a week or more

I don’t eat fast food

Once a month or once every two weeks


How many houses does your family have with electricity ?

Two, because we have a vacation house

Just the one we live in

Three or more


How do you travel to visit most places ?

We almost always use our car

We fly on planes most of the times we go on holidays

We go by train when possible


Do you turn off your water when brushing your teeth ?


Sometimes when I don’t forget to 

I don’t do it very often


When you buy groceries how do you get them bagged ?

Boxes we can carry easily or paper bags

Plastic bag from the stores

We always bring our bags to the store


How much screentime (video games, TV, Computer, phones), do you get ?

An hour everyday

About every other day (I play a lot outside and do sports)

As soon as I get home everyday for more than an hour


How often do you take a shower or bath ?

Everyday at least once

Probably once a week or so, my hair doesn’t really get greasy

Every couple of days when my mom tells me to


Does your family have a compost pile ?

Yes, we use it for the garden when we are done

No, yuck

Yes, we put in it in the compost bin when we are done

Well done for taking the time to complete your carbon footprint challenge! Remember to please email us a picture of your carbon footprint ( it can anonymous or with your name and to add a date so we can add it to our database ). Email:

Link to Carbon Footprint